The Store / Our Game / The Store / Genius



2-8 players

10/30 min

Educational games

Jeux de société Genius


2-8 players

10/30 min

Educational games


A game of luck or good dice rolls! Become the Genius by being the first to get the highest dice score. Show that your dice roll is stronger than luck!


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How to play ?

Become the Genius by getting the highest score with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 dice.
You must obtain one of the prime numbers to be able to launch the challenge dice, which will change the course of the game.

Mascotte Topi-gamesDrapeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCadeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesTrophée qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCible qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-games

5 dot dice

1 challenge die


How many variations are there?

There are 5 variations of the Genius game, including an expert mode, an easier mode, a longer mode, as well as a more serious mode on the app.

How many players can it play?

You can play Genius with 2 to 8 players.

What is the objective of the game ?

The game ends as soon as one of the players fills their entire row on the board with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 dice. Each player then adds up the results of their line, and the one with the highest total becomes the GENIUS and wins the game.


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