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Family Quizz – Cinéma & Séries TV


2-14 players

20 min

Ambiance games

Boite du jeu de société Family Quizz Cine Series


2-14 players

20 min

Ambiance games

Family Quizz – Cinéma & Séries TV

A party game for all cinephiles and series fans!

Who plays the Wolf of Wall Street?
What color are the minions?
In which neighborhood of New York does Friends take place?
Which film made the singer Louane a star?
Who are the 3 brothers?
Which actor portrayed Fox Mulder in The X-Files?

Roll the die and test your knowledge with this quiz dedicated to today’s films and TV series!



¡Nuestro juego es víctima de su éxito. ¡Vuelve pronto para ordenarlo!

Boite du jeu de société Family Quizz Cine Series

How do you play?

A party game for all cinephiles and series fans!
Roll the die and test your knowledge with this quiz dedicated to today’s films and TV series!

Mascotte Topi-gamesDrapeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCadeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesTrophée qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCible qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-games

30 double sided cards


How long does a game last?

A game generally lasts about 20 minutes.

What is the objective of the game?

The aim of the game is to reach 30 points as quickly as possible by answering questions correctly. Each player answers one question per turn, and a correct answer earns a number of points equal to the question number.

How many players can play at once?

You can play with two to fourteen players.


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