Accueil / Quiz: la nostra selezione di giochi per sfide intellettuali

Quiz: la nostra selezione di giochi per sfide intellettuali

I quiz, veri e propri gioiellini di divertimento, sono giochi da tavolo particolarmente accattivanti. La loro specificità risiede nella capacità di stimolare il pensiero rapido e innescare momenti di condivisione intellettuale.

La diversità dei temi è fondamentale. Dalle domande di cultura generale ad aree più specializzate, i quiz soddisfano la curiosità dei giocatori fornendo allo stesso tempo uno spazio favorevole all’apprendimento. L’interazione sociale è al centro di questa esperienza, sia durante le sfide amichevoli tra giocatori che nelle competizioni vivaci. I quiz, per la loro natura inclusiva, rispondono al bisogno di intrattenimento che stimoli la mente.

Oltre all’aspetto divertente, i quiz incoraggiano lo scambio di idee e la scoperta collettiva. Trascendono le generazioni e creano momenti di complicità attorno alla conoscenza condivisa. Questi giochi diventano quindi i compagni ideali per serate divertenti e arricchenti.

Amis en compétition sur un quizz

La nostra selezione di quiz

Quiz pensati e pensati per momenti stimolanti e competitivi!
Boite du jeu de société Batman - QUIZ 500 - EN

Batman – Quiz 500

Immerse yourself in the world of the Gotham City vigilante through these 500 questions based on the Comics! Challenge your friends and find out who is best able to proclaim themselves an expert on the Dark Knight!


Jeu de société Aperis Quizz

Aperis Quizz

The general knowledge game! It’s the perfect quiz game to be played while having a drink with friends or with family! Finish in first place by correctly answering questions about sports, cinema, TV series, music, and many other themes!


Jeu de société Family quizz TV Pub - image transparente


Le jeu pour tous les fans de Télévisions et les connaisseurs de publicités ! Quel est le seul joueur français à avoir participé à 4 coupes du monde ? Quelle est la hauteur d’un but de football ? Combien de coupes du monde Pelé a-t-il remporté ? Qu’est-ce qu’un « coup du sombrero » ? Et un, et deux, et…? Répondez au quizz spécial TV et Pub et remportez la victoire !


Vue 3/4 du jeu de société Family Quizz Foot

Family Quizz – Football

The game for all football fans, perfect for reliving the atmospheres you love and testing your knowledge! – Who is the only French player to have participated in 4 World Cups? – What is the height of a soccer goal? – How many World Cups did Pelé win? – What is a ‘sombrero’ move? – And one, and two, and…? Answer this special football quiz and beat your opponents to the finish line!


Jeu de société Family Quizz Culture G

Family Quiz – General Culture

The game for enthusiasts of Art in all its forms, from video games to sculpture, through performing arts and much more. Who plays the Wolf of Wall Street?What color are the Minions?In which neighborhood of New York does Friends take place?Which movie made the singer Louane a star?Who are the 3 brothers? Roll the die, test your general culture and become an expert in more than 10 Art forms.


Boite du jeu de société Family Quizz Cine Series

Family Quizz – Cinéma & Séries TV

A party game for all cinephiles and series fans! Who plays the Wolf of Wall Street?What color are the minions?In which neighborhood of New York does Friends take place?Which film made the singer Louane a star?Who are the 3 brothers?Which actor portrayed Fox Mulder in The X-Files? Roll the die and test your knowledge with this quiz dedicated to today’s films and TV series!


Boite du jeu Family Quizz Cuisine et vins

Family Quiz – Cooking & Wine

Finish in first place by correctly answering general knowledge questions on the topics of cuisine and wines!


Vue 3/4 du jeu de société Family Quizz - SPORT

Family Quizz – Sport

The game for all sports enthusiasts. Perfect for reliving the highlights of the last 100 years. Who were the 2 finalists of the 2017 Super Bowl?Which Brazilian club is Neymar originally from?Is Boca Juniors a Brazilian or Argentine club?What was Luc Besson’s first profession before becoming a filmmaker? Roll the dice and answer special sports questions to achieve the highest score.


Vue 3/4 du jeu de société Family Quizz Music

Family Quiz – Music from the 80’s / 90’s / 2000s

The game for all fans of music from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, perfect for reliving the atmospheres you love! Which rock star was the lead singer of Nirvana?Who sings ‘Still Loving You’?In 1985, who was the ‘material girl’?Who took off his shirt in the late 90s?Which Puerto Rican artist gave us the 1997 summer hit, ‘Maria’? Roll the dice and test your musical knowledge of the 80s, 90s, and 2000s through lively rounds!


Jeu de société Cocoriquizz

Cocoriquizz – 100% French Culture

Finish first by answering questions about sports, cinema, TV series, TV commercials, cooking, and French music!


Lord of the Rings - Quiz 1200 Game box

Lord of the Rings – Quiz 1200

Challenge other players and be the quickest to traverse the board in an attempt to save Middle-earth.


Harry Potter – Quiz 300 Game box

Harry Potter – Quiz 300

Take it in turns to answer questions about one of the 8 films and be the fastest to get 5 correct answers to win!


Lord of the Rings - Quiz 300 Game box

Lord of the Rings – Quiz 300

Dive into the world of The Lord of the Rings and challenge your loved ones with 300 questions about the saga.


Lord of the Rings - Quiz 500 Game box

Lord of the Rings – Quiz 500

Dive into the world of The Lord of the Rings and challenge your loved ones with 500 questions about the saga.


Harry Potter – Quiz 500 Game box

Harry Potter – Quiz 500

Dive into the world of Harry Potter and challenge your loved ones with 500 questions about the saga. The only rule is not to use the Memory Charm against other players like Gilderoy Lockhart: ‘Obliviate!’ Take turns to answer one of the 5 themed questions about one of the 8 films and be the fastest to get 7 correct answers to win.


Vedi tutti i nostri quiz

Caratteristiche del quiz

I quiz devono avere determinate caratteristiche per garantire giochi tanto divertenti quanto arricchenti:

Le nostre licenze

Per accontentare i più piccoli (e anche i più grandi)!

Harry Potter

Expelliarmus, expecto patronum… Entra nel mondo di Harry Potter. Giochi per tutta la famiglia, ma anche per un appassionato di Hogwarts.
Scopri i giochi
Affiche du jeu Harry Potter Wizarding World 2

Il Signore degli Anelli

Frodo e la Compagnia affrontano l’oscurità per salvare la Terra di Mezzo. Una ricerca eroica, battaglie epiche e sacrifici definiscono questa avventura. Dalla Contea a Mordor, un’epopea in cui la speranza sfida l’ombra. Sarai imbattibile nei nostri giochi di domande durante i bivacchi sulla strada per il Monte Fato?
Scopri i giochi
Affiche Le Seigneur des Anneaux - L'anneau

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Per tutti i gusti

Giochi originali e concetti diversi che piacciono sia agli appassionati che ai giocatori occasionali…


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Mascotte Topi déguisé en Harry potter

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