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2-8 players

20 min

Best Seller

Jeu de société Think - Topi Games


2-8 players

20 min

Best Seller


Man against AI! Beat artificial intelligence by finding better words than it in less than 30 seconds!



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Fiche explicative du jeu THINK

How to play ?


Surpass the AI alone or as a team on one word per turn in 30 seconds.
Enrich your vocabulary with more than 15,000 words to discover where your knowledge, enthusiasm and reflection will make the difference in the face of a limited and helpless AI versus human creativity.

Will you be a match for the machine?

Nuage dessinMascotte Topi-gamesDrapeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCadeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesTrophée qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCible qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-games


Was it really an Artificial Intelligence that made the choice of the words “answers”?

Yes, it was OpenAi’s Artificial Intelligence Chat GPT that provided us with the answers to each word.

What words can we find in the game?

The word list is varied, you can have places, historical figures, common names, etc.

How long does a game last?

The game lasts about 20 minutes!

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