Accueil / Party Board Games : Our selection of games for fun

Guaranteed Conviviality : Party Board Games

Party board games evoke a festive spirit and conviviality. Their simplicity makes them accessible to everyone, promoting immediate participation and encouraging spontaneous social interaction. Whether through riddles, quizzes, hilarious challenges, or quick thinking, these games capture attention while generating contagious laughter.

These games fulfill the essential need to create joyful memories with friends or family. They transcend generations, offering moments of camaraderie and laughter.

By fostering a relaxed and entertaining atmosphere, party board games become perfect companions for any social gathering, transforming each moment into a playful and memorable experience. An invitation to conviviality and sharing, these games create festive memories that endure over time.

Soirée ambiancée entre jeunes adultes

Our selection of party board games

Party-themed board games designed for enjoyable and festive moments!
Ta Mère en Slip 1 Boite de jeux

Your mom in knickers

Guess the combination on your glasses!   All players will discover their characters at the same time. It often starts with a general laughter! There are hundreds of wacky combinations, making it a perfect game to play with friends, whether at home or outdoors. Put on your glasses and have fun!


Jeu de société Ta mère en slip 2

Your mom in knickers 2

Try to guess the combination you have on your glasses! All the players will discover the characters at the same time. It usually starts with a general burst of laughter! There are hundreds of wacky combinations, making it perfect for playing with friends at home or outdoors. Put on your glasses and have a good laugh!


Packshot du jeu de société Sauve ton Permis

Save your Licence!

Become a driving ace without falling into the trap! Challenge each other using your knowledge of road signs, placed in extreme situations. Anything goes, but be careful not to lose all your points…


Jeu de société Optimo

Optimo !

The right word at the right pace! OPTIMO is a fast and clever word game where your quick thinking matters to find the best word that matches the cards in play.


Jeu de société Bonsoir de Mcfly et Carlito

Bonsoir ! By McFly & Carlito

Good evening! How are we? Are you ready? We’ve adapted and combined all your favourite videos into a single board game that, let’s not lie, rocks. Each square on the board invites you to take on a challenge: Randomly calling people, Anecdote Contests, Mix’N’Twist, Synonym Blind Tests, the Double BAC quiz, Overrated/Underrated, and more. SO, WHO AMONG YOU WILL GET THE MOST LIKES?  


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Characteristics of our board games

Here are the criteria that party board games must meet to create convivial and shared moments:

Our licenses

To please the little ones (and the big ones too) !

The Lord of the Rings

Frodo and the Fellowship confront the darkness to save Middle-earth. Heroic quest, epic battles, and sacrifices define this adventure. From the Shire to Mordor, an epic where hope defies the shadow. Will you be unbeatable in our trivia games during the bivouacs on the road to Mount Doom?
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Affiche Le Seigneur des Anneaux - L'anneau

One Piece

Discover our games dedicated to the One Piece universe. Relive the highlights of this legendary anime and experience all the adventures of the Straw Hat crew as well as those of the numerous characters in the story. All aboard!
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Affiche du jeu One Piece

They have tested our party board games

Pierre Croce tests Crashword

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More fun than ever !

Experience a unique sense of sharing and conviviality through our light, lively, and quirky games…


For all ages

Games designed for both young and old to play and have fun together !


For all occasions

Party games to liven up evenings, family gatherings, or birthdays.


For all tastes

Original games and diverse concepts that appeal to enthusiasts as well as casual players…


For maximum enjoyment

Game rules explained quickly for hours of amusement.



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