La Tienda / Nuestros Juegos / La Tienda / Bonsoir ! By McFly & Carlito

Bonsoir ! By McFly & Carlito


1-8 players

15 à 30 min

Games with friends

Jeu de société Bonsoir de Mcfly et Carlito


1-8 players

15 à 30 min

Games with friends

Bonsoir ! By McFly & Carlito

Good evening! How are we? Are you ready?

We’ve adapted and combined all your favourite videos into a single board game that, let’s not lie, rocks. Each square on the board invites you to take on a challenge: Randomly calling people, Anecdote Contests, Mix’N’Twist, Synonym Blind Tests, the Double BAC quiz, Overrated/Underrated, and more. SO, WHO AMONG YOU WILL GET THE MOST LIKES?




¡Nuestro juego es víctima de su éxito. ¡Vuelve pronto para ordenarlo!

Jeu de société Bonsoir de Mcfly et Carlito

How do you play?

Good evening! How are we? Are you ready?

We’ve worked hard and adapted all your favourite games into a single board game, which, let’s not lie, rocks.

Each space on the board invites you to take on a challenge from a popular video from our channel: Randomly Call People, Anecdote Contest, Mix’N’Twist, Synonym Blind Test, Double BAC quiz, Overrated/Underrated, and more.

Mascotte Topi-gamesDrapeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCadeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesTrophée qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCible qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-games

1 main game board

152 cards

1 die


1 egg timer

6 overrated/underrated tokens, 84 like tokens


Is the game suitable for younger players?

‘Bonsoir’ provides a fun and entertaining experience for the whole family, including children, by encouraging imagination, creativity, and teamwork.

How long does a game last?

Games last from 15 to 30 minutes!

How do you win the game?

The player with the most LIKES at the end of a complete round of the board wins the game.
Once you run out of LIKES, you’re eliminated. If you’re up for it, you can play multiple rounds.

What is the aim of the game?

Each square on the board invites you to take on a challenge from one of our channel’s popular videos: Randomly calling people, anecdote contests, Mix’N’Twist, Blind test of synonyms, the double BAC quiz, Overrated/Underrated, and more…

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