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Astérix – Challenge remember


2-8 players

15/30 min

Family games

Jeu de société Astérix-Remember Challenge


2-8 players

15/30 min

Family games

Astérix – Challenge remember

Remember is a game that will test your visual memory. You have 3 piles of 30 different cards to memorize, as well as 2 difficulty levels. Who will first find the hidden pairs or triples and obtain the most cards at the end of the game?




Vue éclatée du jeu de société Astérix-Remember challenge

How to play ?

At the start of the game, the players decide on the game mode. Place the cards assigned to the game mode face down and then complete the objective cards to obtain a maximum of points. Be careful, you will need to combine memory and daring to find the pairs or triples. When all pairs or triples have been found, the player with the most wins the game!

Mascotte Topi-gamesDrapeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCadeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesTrophée qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCible qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-games


How many game modes are there?

There are 2 game modes for more fun and difficulty!

How much time does the player have to turn over the second card?

The player has 15 seconds to turn over the second card. After this time, it is the opponent’s turn.

Can we play as a team?

Yes, you can play in teams, whether 2v2 teams or 3v3 teams.


Mascotte Topi déguisé en Harry potter



