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Crazy Chrono: Animals / Fruits and Vegetables


2-10 players

20 min

Kids games

Jeu de société Crazy Chrono


2-10 players

20 min

Kids games

Crazy Chrono: Animals / Fruits and Vegetables

The party game combining reflex and speed! Find the right association before your opponents (question/answer).



Unser Spiel ist Opfer seines Erfolgs geworden. Bitte kommen Sie bald wieder, um es zu bestellen!

Jeu de société Crazy Chrono

How to play ?

At the center of the card, you will find the questions: 2 mathematical and 2 with words.
At the end of the same card, you will find the answers: 4 numbers and 4 images. There’s only one correct answer to find!

Mascotte Topi-gamesDrapeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCadeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesTrophée qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCible qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-games

40 double sided cards


How do you win the game?

To win the game you must collect the most cards.

Can you play in teams?

No, each player is responsible for their own answer because it’s an individual calculation game.

How many players can there be?

You can play Crazy Chrono: Animals / Fruits and Vegetables with 2 to 10 players.


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