Accueil / Harry Potter Brettspiele, die man nicht verpassen sollte!

Entdecke die Magie der Harry Potter Brettspiele: Ein spielerisches Abenteuer in Hogwarts!

Tauche ein in die Magie des Harry Potter-Universums mit unserer außergewöhnlichen Sammlung dedizierter Brettspiele. Diese Spiele versetzen die Spieler direkt nach Hogwarts, wo sie epische Abenteuer erleben, Zaubersprüche wirken und einzigartige Herausforderungen meistern können. Egal, ob du ein eingefleischter Fan der Saga bist oder ein neuer Enthusiast der Zauberwelt, unsere Spiele bieten dir ein immersives Erlebnis. Erkunde ikonische Orte, stelle dich formidablem Gegnern und teste dein Wissen über J.K. Rowlings magisches Universum.

Spannende Spieleabende stehen bevor, bei denen die Magie durch aufregende und unvergessliche Partien zum Leben erwacht. Entdecke unsere Auswahl an Harry Potter Brettspielen und begebe dich auf ein unvergessliches spielerisches Abenteuer!

Jeux de société Harry Potter

Unsere Auswahl an Harry Potter Brettspielen

Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt von Harry Potter und ab nach Hogwarts!
Packshot du jeu de société Sauve ton Permis

Save your Licence!

Become a driving ace without falling into the trap! Challenge each other using your knowledge of road signs, placed in extreme situations. Anything goes, but be careful not to lose all your points…


Fantastic Beasts Game box

Fantastic Beasts

Fantastic animals have escaped to New York City! Play as one of the heroes of the saga and go in search of them before it’s too late!


Jeu de société Optimo

Optimo !

The right word at the right pace! OPTIMO is a fast and clever word game where your quick thinking matters to find the best word that matches the cards in play.


Jeu de société Bonsoir de Mcfly et Carlito

Bonsoir ! By McFly & Carlito

Good evening! How are we? Are you ready? We’ve adapted and combined all your favourite videos into a single board game that, let’s not lie, rocks. Each square on the board invites you to take on a challenge: Randomly calling people, Anecdote Contests, Mix’N’Twist, Synonym Blind Tests, the Double BAC quiz, Overrated/Underrated, and more. SO, WHO AMONG YOU WILL GET THE MOST LIKES?  


Jeu de société Ta mère en slip 2

Your mom in knickers 2

Try to guess the combination you have on your glasses! All the players will discover the characters at the same time. It usually starts with a general burst of laughter! There are hundreds of wacky combinations, making it perfect for playing with friends at home or outdoors. Put on your glasses and have a good laugh!


Harry Potter – Quiz 300 Game box

Harry Potter – Quiz 300

Take it in turns to answer questions about one of the 8 films and be the fastest to get 5 correct answers to win!


Harry Potter: the spell master Game Box

Harry Potter – The Spell Master

The O.W.L (Ordinary Wizarding Level), the most important exam at HOGWARTS will start! Choose your House and your favorite character and pass the theoretical and practical tests of the courses of Metamorphosis, Spells and Defense against the forces of evil. Memorize your cards among the 218 Spells of the Harry Potter universe and gradually validate your tests in front of the academy’s magic examiners to move from one level to another (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) and earn maximum Spell Mastery Points to win the game. A game based on formulas, drawings and mimes. Who will be the Master of Spells?


Harry Potter – Remembrall game box - EN

Harry Potter – Remembrall

Enter the world of Remembrall, an exciting game that will put your visual memory to the test. Carefully remember the contents of the 3 decks, each containing 30 unique cards with 2 levels of difficulty. No need for a Pensieve: find the pairs yourself and prove your own skills! Who will uncover the mysterious hidden pairs or triples first?


Harry Potter – Quiz 500 Game box

Harry Potter – Quiz 500

Dive into the world of Harry Potter and challenge your loved ones with 500 questions about the saga. The only rule is not to use the Memory Charm against other players like Gilderoy Lockhart: ‘Obliviate!’ Take turns to answer one of the 5 themed questions about one of the 8 films and be the fastest to get 7 correct answers to win.


Harry Potter – Wizards challenges Game Box

Harry Potter – Wizards challenges

The revision period at Hogwarts School is over. It’s time for the 8 individual or collective exams that will decide the best Wizards and Witches of the year. Will you be up to the challenge this year and win the House Cup? The other players will do whatever they can to stop you.


Ta Mère en Slip 1 Boite de jeux

Your mum in knickers

Guess the combination on your glasses!   All players will discover their characters at the same time. It often starts with a general laughter! There are hundreds of wacky combinations, making it a perfect game to play with friends, whether at home or outdoors. Put on your glasses and have fun!


Harry Potter - A year at Hogwarts

Harry Potter – A year at Hogwarts

You have just received your acceptance letter to enter the greatest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, Hogwarts, led by the greatest wizard of all time, Albus Dumbledore. Win the House Cup by participating in Quidditch matches and the dueling club. Take your exams in the classrooms and complete your missions, where you will relive all the adventures of Harry Potter and his friends. > Discover the entire Harry Potter universe


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Um den Kleinen (und den Großen auch) eine Freude zu machen!

Harry Potter

Expelliarmus, expecto patronum… Tauche ein in die Welt von Harry Potter. Spiele für die ganze Familie, aber auch für einen Hogwarts-Fan.
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Affiche du jeu Harry Potter Wizarding World 2

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Für alle Altersgruppen

Spiele, die für Jung und Alt entwickelt wurden, um gemeinsam zu spielen und Spaß zu haben!


Für alle Anlässe

Partyspiele, um Abende, Familientreffen oder Geburtstage aufzupeppen.


Für alle Geschmäcker

Originelle Spiele und vielfältige Konzepte, die sowohl Enthusiasten als auch Gelegenheitsspieler ansprechen…


Für maximalen Genuss

Spielregeln, die schnell erklärt werden, für stundenlangen Spaß.


Mascotte Topi déguisé en Harry potter

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