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Jurassic World – Dinosaur Battle


2-4 players

30 min

Family games

Jurassic World - Dinosaur Battle Game Box


2-4 players

30 min

Family games

Jurassic World – Dinosaur Battle

Jurassic Park – Dinosaur Battle is an exciting board game that immerses players in the fascinating and dangerous world of Jurassic Park. In the game, players compete by controlling their own dinosaurs and engaging them in epic battles.


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Vue éclatée du jeu de société Jurassik World

How do you play?

Explore Isla Nublar and assemble a formidable team of dinosaurs to face your opponents.

Jurassic World – Dinosaur Battle is a deck-building game for kids with an educational aspect through dinosaur-related questions.

The game unfolds in 2 stages: first, you collect dinosaurs, then you battle the dinosaurs of other players. The objective of the game is to eliminate all the other players.

Mascotte Topi-gamesDrapeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCadeau qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesTrophée qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-gamesCible qui accompagne la mascotte Topi-games
Jeu de plateau dessin

1 game board


4 sets of 32 dinosaur cards

Cartes jeux de société

32 special random cards

Cartes dessin

45 special lucky cards

Cartes de jeu de sociétés

30 special skill cards

Cartes jeux de société

40 question cards

Pions dessin

4 pawns

Dès dessin

4 dices

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