La Tienda / Nuestros Juegos / La Tienda / Naruto Shippuden – Kage Fights

Naruto Shippuden – Kage Fights


2-6 players

20 min

Games with friends

Naruto Shippuden – Ninjas Fights Game box


2-6 players

20 min

Games with friends

Naruto Shippuden – Kage Fights

The 4th Great Shinobi War is about to begin!

Naruto joins the Shinobi Alliance in a struggle against the resurrected Kages. Prove your ninja skills through your choices of Technique cards during battles.

A standalone game that is also an expansion for Naruto Shippuden – Ninja Fights



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Naruto Shippuden – Ninjas Fights Game box
Mascotte de Topi-Games avec des traits de Harry PotterVif d or de Harry PotterBalai de sorcierChoipeau de Harry PotterBaguette de sorcier

How to play ?

The 4th Great Shinobi War is about to begin!Naruto joins the Shinobi Alliance in a struggle against the resurrected Kages. Prove your ninja skills through your choices of Technique cards during battles.

Show strategy, bluff ability, and intelligence to win your fights against fearsome opponents.
Only one side will be the victor at the end of the game.

Which side will you be?
• Face off against the 11 most powerful Kages in the world of Naruto.
• Play your top 15 Technique cards and combine their effects to create powerful attacks.
• Relive all the most epic battles of the 4th Great Shinobi War with a new Mission card for each turn.
• Accomplish your Mission Orders to earn more Experience Points.

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